Tag: Tonga

My Tongan Travel Guide!

Located in the great big blue pacific islands, There’s a beautiful island named Tonga and there you can experience unique culture , blue crystal water , hot golden yellow sand open armed locals and lastly, Insanely fun activity’s and tourism… Lets learn about this fun filled island!


Our first stop is some island facts! Tonga was named ”friendly island” after the famous explorer named Captain James Cook since he thought that the Tongan citizens were very friendly. Tonga is the only island in the South Pacific that’s not been colonised not like Fiji , Samoa , Cook Island , Niue and many more. The Tongan Islands were united in 1845 under King George Tupou the first and became a monarchy in 1845.


”Where do I go to visit Tonga?” well, I have a few ideas for you! Shop at Tahamahu market since you can meet locals, Buy local products from them , Support local businesses and experience something new!! You can also visit  Ha’atafu beach, It’s actually one of the best beaches on the main island of Tonga which is Tongatapu. Another thing to do is go on a boat and swim with Humpback Whales as it’s very popular in Tonga and did you know Humpback Whales visit Tonga from July to October? because I didn’t know that!


What do I eat if i’m hungry ? Here are three main foods that you could possibly eat in Tonga 1.) Ota Ika which is translated into English ” Raw fish” so it’s basically raw fish! 2.) You can try some Pawpaw ( Lesi in Tongan) People in the islands really enjoy eating fresh fruit! 3.)  Lu pulu which consist of coconut milk, onions , tomatoes and canned corned beef. I’m sure you can find all of these foods at various markets including some yummy drinks such as ‘Otai,  Coconut water and kava!


I hope this travel guide makes you want to go to Tonga or if you are already planning to go to Tonga then I hope you finally know what  to do while you are in Tonga Nofo ā!