Kainga Slides

This week, My reading group read a story called ” Kainga” This book is about two sisters and one of them is different, She doesn’t like that she need to take her sister everywhere and if she let’s go of her sisters hand she would run away like crazy. But them she realised her sister just was to spend more time with her. Completed the slides about this book. These slides mainly teached us appreciating diversity. Here are my slides!


Reflective Writing

Dear future self, I’m not sure if I will ever read this again but this is me reflecting on my journey her at Weymouth Primary School from year 0 (2017) to now, year 6 (2023) and i’m super excited to share my journey with you all


It all started in 2017 when I was in year 0 and I was 5 years old. I was a very quiet and shy kid. I had just graduated preschool at Early Discoveries when I was 4 years old. I was nervous and excited at the same time to start primary school. My first teacher and class in primary school was Mrs Nand when I was in Room 2 who is now a year 3 and 4 teacher in Room 16. Some awesome memories in year 0 2017 were doing Moana team time which was a fun thing the Moana team (5 year olds)  did. We played games, danced and played together. Most peoples favourite part of Moana team time was when Miss H would sing ‘’ Boom chicka boom ‘’ I achieved receiving my first big award at prize giving and I got the academic award. Lastly, I had tons of fun that year with my classmates and friends.


My second year at Weymouth in Year 1 2018 was in Room 6 and my teacher that year was Mrs Reddy ( I actually ended up having her for two years in a row) . I met my best friend from 5 years ago in 2018. Her name is Jireh and I’m super happy I met her and we are still friends in 2023. During Diwali 2018 we made diya out of air dried clay and we also coloured in rangoli patterns.


Now we shall move on to Year 3 in room 11 with Miss Johnson in 2020. This was my most favourite year at Weymouth, I can recall when we first came back to school after lockdown and home learning but Miss Johnson didn’t let that stop her from doing cool activities with us. During term 2 in year 3, Our inquiry theme was space and we created these cool paper mache planets, I made the Mars planet and Miss Johnson still has kept them in her class. But overall I think this was an awesome year ( despite covid )


In conclusion, I know this is not all of my journey here at Weymouth but I did want to share some awesome and key moments that I experienced at Weymouth Primary School and I hope you all enjoyed my story!

Checkmate slides

This week, The Pohutukawa reading group read a story called ” Checkmate” Which is about a boy named Liam and him feeling forced from his Dad and Brother to play Rugby when he liked Chess instead and completed some slides about this book which mainly focused on Accurate Self Perception. Here are my slides!


Stand Up: A History of Social Protest in New Zealand ( slides )

This week the Pohutukawa group has been reading ”A history of social protest in New Zealand” and along with that, We answered question on the slides and showed our understanding of Social Protest in New Zealand.


Island Narrative Writing

Tent, Check!  Food, Check! Water, Check! Clothes, Check! alright , last thing My emergency / Self defence tools such as torch , knife, binoculars and more , Check! I need all these things for my adventure on my boat to a mystery island! I also packed some emergency items just in case since you will never know what you will see and when you will need them. Oh! and I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Ella, I enjoy going on adventures like today, I’m 20 years old and I’m so excited to take you all along on my adventure with me!


A couple hours later… Paddle!, Paddle!, Paddle!, OMG! I’m in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! ” I don’t even know i’m going ” I held up my map and compass to direct myself to where I’m going.But still it didn’t help me a lot , So I decided to stop at the nearest Island.


Once I finally landed on the Island which was named Niue, I was exploring the Island and walking on the streets. It look abandoned like a ghost town. Then  I saw the crashed plane in the distance and I heard a girl screaming in the same direction, So I ran like a cheetah with all my might. Once I got there I saw the girl passed out and saw this other dead body. She then woke up and saw me with a confused look on her face.She got up and the first thing she said to me was ” hi?”..  she looked a bit shy meeting me at first but I replied by saying ” um.. Hi, i’m Ella!”  I also was a slightly bit shy as well. ” I’m Kylie” she said . I asked her ” what are you doing her?” ” I’m here on an adventure ”  she said ” Me too!” I replied .


As we were walking out of the plane , Kylie and I felt a really weird feeling around us that something was watching us . We both decided to just ignore it. After a while , We felt that weird present come back but this time we felt it tapping our shoulders so many times. I asked Kylie ” Do you feel someone tapping your shoulders?” Kylie replied back ” Yes I do!” We kept on walking then I tapped Kylie’s shoulder and I said ” Do you see that?” I pointed  to a giant large billboard which said ” The Island of the dead / Ghost town” Kylie then said ” Does that say The Island of the dead / Ghost town?” I replied by saying ” Yes!” We both started screaming a the top of our lungs and freaked OUT!! Then I told Kylie ” That’s why someone has been tapping our shoulders!”


After hours and hours of walking, We came across the big, Tall Coconut tree with a huge ” X ” below it. Kylie and I thought maybe it’s some treasure, So we dug up the ” X ” and saw a treasure chest and found a key on top. We end up see this ghost and  we that scared that we closed our eyes and we suddenly saw ourselves back in reality, The next day I told my friend Kyla about my crazy dream about the Island, She mentioned the she has the same dream as me and she had a friend name Ella which was a coincidence since my name in the dream was Ella and she said my name was Kylie in the dream and I  told her my friend in the dream was named Kylie! The was a but weird dream!



Cross Country Experience!

‘‘On your marks.. Get set.. GO!’’ The whistle blew loud and proud and everyone ran with excitement. We have been practising our running skills for about 9 weeks (around the whole term!) So we were prepared on what to do during the run. I want to tell you about my cross country experience!!


We first started our day when the teachers were explaining the instructions and said that there were teachers at every corner. They also explained the directions we would be running in. We were also told that during the run you will receive a stick so people know you have done one lap. We also had to get a wristband if you have done two laps or more during our practices. 


We finally made our way to the field to do our run. The year 6 girls (us) were first at 9:15 am then was the year 6 boys after. All the girls made our way to the start line getting ready to run, I was getting a bit nervous but I still tried! ‘‘On your marks.. Get set.. GO!’’ I heard all the girls running with all their might while all the boys were cheering us on! I could even hear them from far away! I know it’s crazy right! I was running with one of my good friends Hedaznee and we both got super tired and exhausted. We ran past Miss B and got a Popsicle stick for completing the first lap. Now came the second lap and we were still tired out but still tried to give an effort. 


YAY!! We finally made it to the finish line and all the girls were very supportive and cheered me on at the finish line! I was very happy but tired at the same time that I received a medal which I felt good about ! After a few minutes It was about time the year 6 boys ran. Us girls were very supportive as well and cheered them on as they all came down the finish line. Tomi who came last ( not in a rude way ) ran to the finish as fast as he could and everybody encouraged him and gave him hi fives!!


In conclusion I really enjoyed this year’s annual cross country run and I’m sure that’s the same for everyone else!